Wednesday 4 January 2023

main domain host on blegger and subdomain host wordpress


Host WordPress on Subdomain

It is possible to host a WordPress site on a subdomain while hosting the main domain on another platform, such as Blogger. To do this, you will need to set up the subdomain and point it to the server where your WordPress site is hosted. Here are the general steps you can follow:

Set up the subdomain:

If you are using a hosting provider, you will need to create the subdomain in your hosting account control panel. Check with your provider for specific instructions.

If you are using a domain registrar, you will need to set up the subdomain in the DNS settings for your domain. Check with your registrar for specific instructions.

Install WordPress on your server:

If you are using a hosting provider, you can usually install WordPress through your hosting control panel or with the help of customer support.

If you are hosting WordPress on your own server, you will need to install WordPress manually. You can find detailed instructions in the WordPress Codex.

Point the subdomain to your WordPress site:

In your hosting control panel or domain registrar, you will need to set the DNS records for the subdomain to point to the server where your WordPress site is hosted. Check with your hosting provider or registrar for specific instructions.

Configure your WordPress site to use the subdomain:

In your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings > General and update the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) to use the subdomain.

If you are using a plugin to manage redirects, you may need to update the plugin settings to reflect the new subdomain.

After completing these steps, your WordPress site should be accessible from the subdomain you set up. It's a good idea to test the subdomain and make sure everything is working correctly before making any changes to your main domain.